Information For Real Estate Agents
An attorney can do a lot more for you than simply facilitate a real estate closing. Real estate transactions do not always go as planned, and business relationships in the brokerage industry often change. Our experienced attorneys can help at any phase in the process including:
- Creating and building a limited liability company
- Designing an independent contractor agreement for your protection
- Negotiating resolutions to terminated real estate transactions and drafting settlement agreements
- Writing custom forms for real estate transactions
- Giving advice about real estate license law compliance, Code of Ethics compliance, and contractual disputes.
If you have a problem, our attorneys can walk you through your issue. If you are unsure of what to do in a real estate transaction, you can contact Martin & Gifford for help. We pride ourselves on providing value to every client we work for, and you can rely on our expertise to make sure you are making well-informed decisions.
If you are a member of the North Carolina Association of REALTORS®, then you have probably spoken to one of our attorneys through NCAR’s Legal Hotline, which is a free service only for NCAR members. However, even if you are not a member, our attorneys can speak with you and provide a quote for services.

T: (336) 714-0333
F: (336) 714-0334
301 N. Main Street, Suite 2200
Winston-Salem, NC 27101